Global Goals Innovators 

Initiative to support SDG innovators in creating a sustainable future

Developed by 

Global Goals Innovators

 -A Word from CEO-

In Morocco, Africa or anywhere in the world, you want to take the new path to success, (re)launch your career/project and change your life, then mastering the potential of the Global Goals becomes an imperative,

Thanks to its “Global Goals Innovators” initiative, Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) offers you the opportunity to assimilate the art of innovation, to exploit the potential of Global Goals and to begin an unprecedented professional and human adventure. ,

With your Global Goals Innovators, the future of the world is in your hands!

Dr. Mehdi RAIS

CEO Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI)

Global Goals Innovators

 -Latest News-

Global Goals Innovators


What is it about ?

Developed by Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI), Global Goals Innovators (GGI) is an initiative that aims to empower institutions and individuals whose projects/ideas are aligned with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Through its sessions organized during the year, Global Goals Innovators (GGI) initiative supports innovators, entrepreneurs, government executives, managers, start-ups and NGOs by strengthening their skills to realize their innovative ideas and develop their networking with the aim of implementing their projects aligned with the implementation of the SDGs (Agenda 2030 & Agenda 2063) in Africa, the Arab world and internationally.

Global Goals Innovators (GGI) represents an unprecedented opportunity to start or shape the future of your project, seize it!

Why participate ?

*Strengthen your capacities: GGI activities allow you to strengthen your skills in entrepreneurship, creation, management and implementation of projects aligned with the Global Goals.

*Shape your network: By participating in GGI's programs, you can expand your network by meeting and interacting with a diverse group of people from around the world.

*Improve your impact: with GGI programs, your experiences as Global Goals Innovators will allow you to improve your decision-making process and develop innovative projects aligned with the SDGs while inspiring innovation project leaders.

 Global Goals Innovators 

-Next activities-



Global Goals Innovators


As part of the internationalization of its Global Goals Innovators Initiative, a meeting was organized between IDI and several Mediterranean institutions and innovators in Barcelona in order to present our initiative and discuss collaboration possibilities likely to facilitate implementation. professional projects aligned with the SDGs. The program continues...stay tuned

Global Goals Innovators (GGI) Meeting

Barcelona, Spain, 19 March 2024

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI on the sidelines of Cop 28. During this event, climate innovators shared their experience in innovation affecting sustainable development and the climate in order to to identify recommendations likely to facilitate the implementation of professional projects aligned with the SDGs. The program will continue...stay tuned

Dubai, United Arab Emirates 11/12/2023

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in Tunis (Tunisia). During this activity, participants shared their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and present their innovative projects with the participation of the most important innovators in the mediteranean region. The program will continue...stay tuned

Tunis, Tunisia 16-18/11/2023

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in November 2022 in Rabat (Morocco). During this activity, participants completed their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and share their innovative projects in order to launch their projects. The program will continue...stay tuned

Rabat, Morocco 18-20/10/2023

As part of its academic program "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in Istanbul (Turkey). During this activity, participants shared their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and present their innovative projects with the participation of the most important innovators. The program will continue...stay tuned

Istanbul, Turkey 14-16/10/2023

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in Beirut (Lebanon). During this activity, participants shared their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and present their innovative projects with the participation of the most important innovators in the mediteranean region. The program will continue...stay tuned

Beirut, Lebanon 14/09/2023

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in May 2023 in Nicosie (Cyprus). During this activity, participants completed their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and share their innovative projects in order to launch their projects. The program will continue...stay tuned

Nicosie, Cyprus 23-27/07/2023

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in March 2023 in Cairo (Egypt). During this activity, participants completed their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and share their innovative projects in order to launch their projects. The program will continue...stay tuned

Cairo, Egypt 13-16/05/2023

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in June 2022 in Geneva (Swizerland). During this activity, participants completed their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and share their innovative projects in order to launch their projects. The program will continue...stay tuned

Geneva, Swizerland, 25-28/03/2023

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in July 2022 in Tétouan (Morocco). During this activity, participants completed their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and share their innovative projects in order to launch their projects. The program will continue...stay tuned

Tétouan, Morocco, 21-23/11/2022

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in March 2022 in Tangier (Morocco). During this activity, participants completed their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and share their innovative projects in order to launch their projects. The program will continue...stay tuned

Tangier, Morocco, 26-28/07/2022

As part of its initiative "Global Goals Innovators", Innovative Development Initiatives (IDI) organized a GGI in February 2022 in Essaouira (Morocco). During this activity, participants completed their knowledge on Global Goals, innovation, Leadership and share their innovative projects in order to launch their projects. The program will continue...stay tuned

Essaouira, Morocco, 18-20/04/2022

Global Goals Innovators

 -developed by-

Dr. Mehdi RAIS


Global Goals Innovators 

implements the following Global Goals